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  2. I have Dedicated Server with Plesk, I enabled Firewall and I can’t connect to filezilla. It gives me the following error message :: failed to retrieve directory listing
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  3. I have Dedicated Server with Plesk, I enabled Firewall and I can’t connect to filezilla. It gives me the following error message :: failed to retrieve directory listing

I have Dedicated Server with Plesk, I enabled Firewall and I can’t connect to filezilla. It gives me the following error message :: failed to retrieve directory listing

When you install a firewall on your Dedicated server, some settings in PROFTPD will be affected and there is a chance that you will encounter a problem with your FTP service.

To solve the problem and be able to connect to your FTP, you should follow the steps below.

1. Open the /etc/proftpd.conf file with an editor like nano or Notepad++ and add the following line :: PassivePorts 20000 25000

2. Restart the service by running the following command :: /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

3. In the firewall, add the :: *20000-25000 rule to UDP and TCP.

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