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  3. I have SSL installed on my site, but some URLs are not showing up with a green lock
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  3. I have SSL installed on my site, but some URLs are not showing up with a green lock

I have SSL installed on my site, but some URLs are not showing up with a green lock

In case that you have installed an SSL certificate on your site and the green padlock does not appear on the top left of the browser, you must perform some actions manually.

What is mixed content?

Mixed content occurs when the webpage is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection, but individual resources such as images, videos, CSS, Javascript, etc. are loaded over an insecure HTTP connection. This is called mixed content because both HTTP and HTTPS content is loaded to display the same page, and the original request was secured over HTTPS.

Modern browsers display warnings about this type of content, to indicate to the user that this page contains unsafe resources, and in many cases block the loading of this content, resulting in the web page not being displayed correctly to the end user.

How can I check if there is mixed content on my website?

The check can be done with a tool such as which will give you a full report of URLs still loading in http.

Alternatively, mixed content errors can be checked through the Console tab of your browser. In this case, you can type F12 and Console, so that the browser will indicate the changes you need to make to the content of the specific URL (Mixed Content). 

How can I install SSL on my website and fix mixed content?

To fix the mixed content issue on your website, you can follow the guides below.

In case your page has been created in WordPress you can see the guide here.

In case your page has been created in Joomla you can see the guide here.

There is a possibility that even though you have performed the actions described in the links above, some URLs on your site may not display the green lock.

This content can be a photo or a link that is not "served" with HTTPS but with HTTP.

To check this press F12 and then go to the Console tab. In the image below, an example of Mixed Content is shown.

In case your site is WordPress or Joomla, it is possible to activate Top.Host's SSL application and mixed content correction service, which includes applying the SSL certificate to your website so that it now loads in HTTPS and not in HTTP. In case you wish to activate it, contact

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