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  2. FTP/ File Manager
  3. How can I change the Username and Password of the FTP service?
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  3. How can I change the Username and Password of the FTP service?

How can I change the Username and Password of the FTP service?

To change the Username and Password of the central FTP user of your hosting package, you should follow the steps below.

1. Log in to myTophost Panel and from there select Plesk Login to log in to the Plesk of the package you are interested in.

2.In the Websites & Domains tab, click on one of your domains, and then, after navigating to the Hosting & DNS tab, select Hosting.

4. In the paragraph named System user enter:

  • No. 1. In the field to the right of Username you will enter the new username
  • No. 2. In the field to the right of Password you will enter a new complex (Strong) password (with alphanumerics and symbols).
  • No. 3. In the field to the right of Confirm Password you will enter your password again
  • No. 4. Finally OK

The following message of successful change of main FTP user information is displayed.

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