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Support PIN: Top.Host new identification service

To facilitate the processes our customers want us to do on their behalf over the phone, we have created a new identification service, the Support Pin.

What is the Support PIN

This is a code that allows the identification of a customer, so that Top.Host's technical support can carry out some actions on his behalf, over the phone. The completion of your telephone orders is done by the technical support department, after the necessary identification of your details.

The Support PIN is displayed at the bottom of the myTophost Panel, after activating the service, and for security reasons it changes every half hour. In case you do not have access to your Panel, the Support PIN can also be sent via SMS to the mobile phone you have registered when activating the service.

So, you can use it in cases where you want to do some actions on your account but you don't have access to myTophost Panel at the time of your communication with the technical support department, or you have difficulty completing an action.
The actions that the technical support department can perform on your behalf are:

1.New service order with bank payment method (outside domain)
2.Service renewal with a bank payment method.
3.Service upgrade with bank payment method.
4.Change DNS records to domain name.
5.Change nameservers to domain name.
6.Revocation of .GR domain name within 5 days.
7.Sending details of a completed service order to the administrator or the owner if it is a domain name, in order to pay for it.
8.Change domain name administrator by telephone administrator confirmation
9.Changes to settings in Plesk of a hosting package, e.g. DNS Settings, change PHP parameters.
10.Any minor fixes to hosting packages that the technical support department deems to be immediate.

How Support PIN is activated


To activate the service, follow the steps below:

  1.Log in to your myTophost panel


2. In the Account Data category, select Mobile services.

3. In the first box that appears, select Activate. If you have not registered your mobile phone, you will need to do so in the second box, since it is necessary to activate the service. If you already have a stored mobile phone, activation takes place automatically.



4. Immediately a bar will be activated in the Panel where the Support PIN will appear. In the event of your telephone contact with the technical support department, and if you do not have access to your Panel, it is possible to send the PIN by SMS to the mobile phone you have registered.


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