A page may not appear on the Internet for many reasons. There is a chance that the server does not serve the site data correctly, that there is an error in its code, that a wrong upgrade has been made to a plugin that is being used, or even that a wrong upgrade has been made to the site construction tool itself, such as Joomla , WordPress or Drupal.
Below we will see some error messages displayed by a browser when accessing the site.
Error 403 Forbidden
Error 403 Forbidden appears when there is no startup file named index on the root folder of the domain or the permissions of the same folder are not 750. In the first case you should make sure that there is an index file (it doesn't matter if it will be HTML, PHP or HTM) and in the second case, check through Plesk's File Manager or your FTP client, for example FileZilla, that the permissions of the root folder are 750.
Error 404 Not Found
When the browser displays this error message, it means that the requested file or folder does not exist on the server. Most likely, the files have not been uploaded correctly, either due to an interruption of the FTP service, or due to a problem with your internet connection. Ideally, it is recommended to re-upload all your files and confirm the path that appears above the address bar in the browser.
White page
When a site shows a blank page, it means there is a malfunction in PHP. This can be caused by adding an incompatible plugin or by upgrading to an incompatible version of the CMS or by some wrong programming intervention in the site's code. What should be done is to study the error logs through Plesk and correct any errors according to them.
The page cannot be displayed
In this case 4 things can happen:
1. There is a problem with the network from which the user connects.
2. The hosting nameservers have not been updated.
3. The domain name must have expired.
4. The server has a problem with its HTTP service and cannot serve the site.
First you should make sure that there is no problem with your local connection, that the 48 hours needed to update the servers have passed, that the domain name has not expired and finally check if your server IP is responding, which you can find in your hosting activation email.
Default Plesk Page, although I have uploaded my website
When the default Plesk page continues to appear, although you have uploaded your site files, this means that the web server does not recognize your index file (home page). Below we will see the four cases when the web server does not recognize your home page.
1. When activating the hosting, there are default Plesk files in the root folder. In this case, the web server reads these and not yours. You should delete them through the FTP service or through Plesk's file manager and leave only yours.
2. There is the case that you have uploaded the files of your site in a subfolder and not in the root folder. What should be done is to make sure that you upload the files to the root folder. For example, on a Plesk head domain, the files should be uploaded to the httpdocs folder.
3. As soon as you add a domain to Plesk, it takes a maximum of 60 minutes for the web server to read its configuration file and connect your document root to your domain.
4. After you have deleted the default files, you have uploaded yours to the correct folder, 60 minutes have passed since the time of adding your site, the default Plesk page continues to appear. Try clearing your browser cache by pressing CTRL+F5.
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